
The Random Jukebox

May 3, 2023

The Random Jukebox is a jukebox with only one choice! Push a bottom and you will get a song, but you don’t know which one! The playlist adapts to specific events. A partnership with Arc en Ciel Electronique



April 10, 2022

Une radio internet pendant le festival Archipel à Genève. Une équipe sur place qui travaille, rencontre, assemble, construit, enregistre et diffuse des contenus inouïs : concerts, interviews, discussions, reportages, playlists et autres surprises. Le projet est mené par trois passionné·es du son et de la radio : Clara Alloing, Jonathan Frigeri, Rudy Decelière accompagné·es par […]


Belvédère Sonore Geneva

October 18, 2021

Après avoir fait résonner 10 œuvres d’art publiques dans la tête de 10 musiciens-nes genevoi-ses pour sa première édition, Belvédère Sonore rapplique avec une nouvelle cuvée déversée autour du même concept. Musique de: – Cyril Cyril et KLAT sur la sculpture Frankie de KLAT – Gabriel Zufferey sur la sculpture Moon de Not Vital – […]


Belvédère Sonore

January 6, 2021

Landscapes to listen, music to see, œuvres to reinvent. More than a guide with musical commentaries or a new cultural outreach experience, the Belvédères Sonores is an artistic re-creation. Stemming from a specific choice of public works of art that are fully-immersed in their natural décor and coupled with sounds expressly designed by local musicians, […]


Mensa Sonora

February 11, 2018

Itinerant (Brussels, Nyon, Berlin) #Performance#Conference#Radio#Sound#Food#Publication Mensa Sonora est un projet pluridisciplinaire qui mélange la performance, la musique et la bouffe. Le public est invité dans un espace qui brouille les formats. Les frontières entre la station radio, l’espace d’art et la cantine se mélangent afin de faire naître une quatrièmes dimension. Les artistes invitées: Jérémy […]


Circolo degli amici #2

April 11, 2015

Kunstmuseum, Luzern #Installation#Performance#Radio L’événement et l’émission de radio Freundeskre- ise – Circoli degli amici – ont vu le jour grâce à une série d’invitations envoyées à des amis ar- tistes. Nous leur avons demandé de choisir et de proposer des œuvres bien ciblées pour les trois soirées d’évènements. Ces interactions amicales donnent un aperçu de […]


Radio Picnic

October 15, 2014

RESIDENCE FOR CREATIVE RADIO Berlin-Brussels http://www.zonoff.net/radio-picnic Invite exponent from various artistic disciplines to consider the role played by the radio Provide tools and situations in order to develop thoughts and creations Facilitate the efforts of those who believe in the destiny of the radio art These are the mains rules of Radio Picnic The residents […]


Radio Sendung

June 16, 2014

Alte Kindl-Brauerei, Berlin The musicians are using the radio as a speaker The sound is broadcasted trough an fm emitter to a bunch of radios where unexpected interference fuse with the original sound Music artists: JD Zazie – Juxtaposition, decontextualization, fragmentation, repetition, sonic texture, scratch and error Francesco Cavaliere – hypnosis! – fluomatic animals flouuuuu mmaaatic Johnny […]


Radio Bazaar

June 14, 2014

Festival Baz’Art, Geneva http://www.baz-art.ch/2014 Radio bazaar is an open studio where people are free to pop in and participate to the show The radio was located on the first floor with a view directly on the main street of the festival The interactive project proposed an exchange of whisky for poems The people was able […]


A night on air

May 27, 2014

Broadcast on 88.4 UKW – Berlin from ‘ORschnecke, a studio by Sara Lehn, in Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien CoLaboRadio & Radio Picnic Radiocollaborations all night through, with many guests.


Kunsthalle Pietrapaola

August 18, 2013

Il frantoio dell’arte Pietrapaola (IT) Durante la festa del paese che avviene annualmente a Pietrapaola, in Calabria (IT), il collettivo della tavola imbandita ha trasformato il vecchio frantoio in stato di disuso in una Kunsthalle effimera. Le opere sono state realizzate dagli artisti Daniel Kemeny, Eleonora Polato, Selene Mauvis, Simon Wildfrid e Jonathan Frigeri in […]


The conference of the birds

June 15, 2012

Picnic, Berlin The conference of the Birds was a live radio show during the 48 hours Neukölln Festival in Berlin More than fifty artists were gathered in order to conceive a radio work based on the poem The conference of the Birds by Attar of Nishapur The poem is about a group of birds that […]



April 17, 2011

Picnic is a project room located in Berlin, dedicated to the development of experimental art, music and radio projects, based on the idea of the picnic as an ephemeral moment of enjoyable social sharing http://www.zonoff.net/picnic



September 10, 2010

Espace Labo, Geneva http://www.espacelabo.net/ Music, performed from the altar of the Sanatorium by musicians and following the codes of a possible rite, is here exalted as a means of transcending the functionality of the laptop that becomes instrument and medium of a personal and shared manifestation of the sacred. Live ritual act by: Mela Zeta, […]


Wild Party

July 16, 2007

The Wild Party took place in the forest of St.Oyens in Switzerland Musicians play uninterrupted music during tree days in the meanwhile cooks were preparing delicious food A collaborative project by Dasandereselbst, Wildrfid, Zonoff and many others friends The festival have been held from 2006 till 2009