
Install Happines

April 21, 2010

Welcome to the Installation Program. You will be guided through the steps necessary to install this software. INSTALL ONLY if you want. Note: This is an experimental happy version of Happiness Digital Setup Program 1.0. . This is a work in progress.  Not all features of  HDSP 1.0 are implemented in this happy version. This […]

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October 15, 2009

Video Clip made by musicians for musicians 10 musicians were invited to create a video clip for another musician. Each musician made a video and received a video in return. The first musician made a video for the second one, and the last musician made a video for the first one, with a loop order […]


Zonoff Café

April 1, 2009

Espace Labo, Geneva Zonoff transform the Labo Art Space in an Internet café Five computers allowed watching 25 videos made by 25 artists from different background Through this Internet café, the art space became as democratic as the Internet where international artists have the same visibility as the art students. Works by:
 Angela Marzullo, Caspar […]


Le plus beau coucher de soleil

May 1, 2008

Le plus beau coucher de soleil is a book and co-edited by Zonoff, activeRat and dasein It’s a collection of 14 videos presented by Zonoff on the May 1, 2008 in Geneva These films are accompanied by a book of 428 pages

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HTML Gallery

October 15, 2006

HTML Gallery is an online gallery focused on showing short or/and interactive video/animation The web is used as a free place for young and unknown artists to show their work far away from the constraint of the gallery’s market